American Association of Equine Practitioners Website Success Story

Posted 2022-03-29T16:51:56+00:00May 25th, 2018 by Luther Andal

We’re Excited to Announce Another Successful Client Project, the American Association of Equine Practitioners Website

We recently launched a custom, responsive, Drupal multisite for AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners). For those unfamiliar with AAEP, it’s an amazing member-based organization located in Lexington, Kentucky. It focuses on the awareness of ethical medical horse practices centered on education for veterinary members. They are also staffed by an incredibly talented team with whom we had the pleasure to work.

Project Challenges

This website presented unique challenges, including an extensive membership database. Also, the project required single sign-on for members between the multisites as well as the display of dynamic content based on whether or not you have a membership with AAEP. Our team stepped up and produced a stunning website for AAEP to use as a tool for its members.

Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Interface

Our team created a clean, responsive website using ZURB Foundation framework. This means the website automatically optimizes its layout, no matter the size of a user’s screen. The result is a new experience for both current and potential members. Now they properly view the American Association of Equine Practitioners website, no matter which device they use.

Drupal Multisite

AAEP brought us the challenge of developing three separate websites together as one. By using Drupal’s multisite feature, our team merged three independent websites into one codebase. Today, AAEP benefits by being on a single instance of Drupal instead of three. This also played a vital role for us setting up single sign-on for members.

Single Sign-On

One of the challenges of this project was developing the ability for AAEP’s members to only have to log in to the site once. Previously, when switching between the three different sites, members would have to login to each site separately. With the use of Drupal’s multisite and working with AAEP’s database organization, our team achieved a seamless sign-on integration between all three AAEP websites. Sign in once, and you’re done. Needless to say, they were thrilled!

HTTPS with Green Address Bar Certificate

Google put a huge emphasis on website security in 2017. Streamline takes client security seriously, so AAEP was no exception. The team integrated a multi-domain green bar SSL certificate. Consequently, members who submit private information on the website know they are protected. By defaulting all traffic to HTTPS (rather than HTTP, which does not have the secure certificate), all traffic on their website is protected. This brought AAEP peace of mind when interacting with their members. It also brought their members comfort when submitting private information.

Dynamic Content for Members

AAEP is a host of wonderful information for their veterinarian members. Because of this, they have certain content that is only available to their paid member database. Our team produced unique designs and content layouts, which depended on the logged-in status of each viewer. As a result, AAEP members access important resources immediately when they visit the AAEP website. Alternately, the website shows potential members the benefits of joining the organization.

Improved Graphic Interface Redesign

We worked with the AAEP staff to produce a custom, clean design. Ultimately the new site had to serve current and potential members, so they were our focus. Our designs, architecture, calls-to-action, navigation, and content were all created with AAEP’s target audience in mind. Our goal is to always make our clients site the easiest and intuitive experience for their viewers. AAEP now has a custom-designed and developed website to serve the needs of their members.


The AAEP team honored us when they selected us for this project. If you need a website produced by an experienced team, we can help you. Contact us today.

View the AAEP website at

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